The Man is Given the Moral Pattern
In this sectioin, Piper claims that Adam was given the instructions for how to behave in the garden (Genesis 2:16), because he had a "primary responsiblity" for their actions. He says that God trusted Adam to pass these instructions on to Eve.
In my last post, I raised the strong possibility that Adam was a man/woman being that was separated into man and woman distinctly in Chapter 3. If this is true, than God did, in fact, give both man and woman the instructions in verse 16. Let's assume for the sake of argument that God only gave these instructions to Adam and that Eve was created after that. Does this have significance?
Piper claims that this indicated Adam's "primary
responsibility (not the only, but the primary responsibility) to
receive and teach and be accountable for the moral pattern of life
in the garden of Eden."
What does that mean? Really? In practical terms? Some patriarchs believe this and take it to an interesting extreme. They go so far as to believe that as long as a woman obeys her husband, she is off the hook with God for anything they do, because it is *entirely* the man's responsibility to make wise decisions. Obviously, this is not true, as we see later that Eve bore consequences as well as Adam. Complementarians see this logic and try to find a middle ground- Adam is only *mostly* responsible. But what does that mean? If someone has a good (or any) argument from a complementarian source on this I would love to see it, because I have yet to find one. I have seen multiple proof-texted arguments that attempt to show that Adam *does* bear most of the responsibility, but none that show what that means in practical terms. If Adam bears 51% of the responsibility and Eve bears 49%, is she 2% less dead than him at the end of the day?
Romans 6:23
"For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
So, did God tell Eve the instructions?
I believe he did, whether they were formed at the same time or not.
Genesis 3:8
"And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day:"
I'm just speculating here, because the text doesn't actually say, but do you think this was a new occurrence? Do you think God just happened to show up that day after leaving them alone since the day of creation? Or maybe this was a regular thing, for him to walk and talk with Adam and Eve. I don't imagine that the one sentence of instruction was all he told them either. They both got to WALK and TALK with God, getting to know his character, and learning his instructions for life.
But the text doesn't actually say, so let's look at the rest of the Bible. Who does God speak to when he gives his instructions.
Exodus 6:6
Exodus 14:2
Exodus 27:20
Exodus 30:21
These are just a few of the examples of God speaking to "the children of Israel." He didn't call the men together and speak to them so they could tell their wives. He spoke to everyone.
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